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Primary School Books, Materials, Curriculum & Courses

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for registration, fees, scheduling & waitlist information for discount group classes and private tutoring options.

What does a Primary class day look like?

Private Singapore Math Lessons.

Montessori Grammar.

Sequential Spelling.

Institute for Excellence in Writing.

Poetry Study.

A Curated Classic Literature, Living Science, Nature, Biography & Geography Booklist.

50 States & Capitals.
(+ geographical features of the US)

American Tall Tales.

Timeline Work.

Map Work.

Freedom & Economics.
(For Kids!)

Sketch Science & nature read aloud with regular  
nature journaling & narration opportunities.

Cambridge Latin Course.

And more!

Please email for the Schedule & Fees

Will we do every single task, every single day? No way! The beauty of a combining a Classical Education and a University Model is that we can study a whole feast of subjects just a few days each week and learn MORE than we would if we were drudging through a curriculum full of busywork!  

Short, succinct lessons allow us to finish our schoolwork in a timely manner each day and allow students to use their afternoon free time for play and in pursuit of their personal interests.
Singapore Math 
(Private Math Lessons available upon request)


Please text MATH to 205-880-8981 to set up a private tutoring time with one of our talented mathematics educators for private math lessons that work with your schedule.

You will need the A&B set of Textbook & Workbook for your child's level and you may want the Home Instructor's Guide too! Please make sure your child takes the placement test before ordering your books! We can also do a free 20 minute assessment ~ if you need help reach out!

Singapore has the highest math test scores in the world and the curriculum we use is the direct English Translation of the program used in Singapore. This is the math program I used with all 3 of my children in Elementary and I have taught every level 2-3 times now! It's a program I am comfortable teaching, and a program that gives an excellent foundation for higher level mathematics! You can not learn bar diagramming in any other curriculum and it is the highlight of Singapore math as students learn to visualize word problems in algebraic form YEARS before they are ever required to memorize an algebraic formula! 

Check out the Singapore Math Framework...

A wonderful follow up program to Singapore Math is CLE Math. It is very thorough, teaches to the child to increase independence and sets kids up nicely for Algebra I & Geometry in their high school years, as well as covering a multitude of important Consumer Math topics before students begin to drive and work!! 

We will use the 600, 700 & 800 series books & please make sure your child takes the placement test before ordering your books. You will need to order all 10 "light units" for your child's level. You may also want to have the teachers guide too!

Please text MATH to 205-880-8981 to set up a private tutoring time with one of our talented mathematics educators for private math lessons that work with your schedule.

Living Language Arts
Montessori Grammar
Writing through Nature Lore
Nature Journaling
Living Literature & Biographies with Narration
Institute for Excellence in Writing Structure & Style
Sequential Spelling
Poetry Study
Dictation & Copywork 

Montessori Grammar will have new material taught once per week with a review assignment later in the week. By the end of the year children will be able to identify and easily diagram all 9 parts of speech, and we will also learn about grammatical terms like phrases & clauses, antecedents and gerunds! 

We will work on English grammar, penmanship & spelling everyday through dictation & copy work. Our Living Language Arts program exceeds CCSS standards!

Nature Study is an important part of our Living Language Arts course, where we will enjoy a science read aloud and then work together as I go over a "draw with me" style science sketch & short written narration for their nature journals. We will cover a new topic each class. This is a wonderful way to get kids engaged in science topics and is a gentle bridge to help students who are still orally narrating to get their ideas down on paper as they transition into composing more advanced paragraphs and essays. Older students are encouraged to take the time to really hone in on their drawing and writing skills in a fun & captivating way. This class has been a highlight of our school with students ages 8-16!

Students will need a sketch book, paper, pencils, colored pencils, markers, watercolors or medium of their choice.

Narration. We will be reading aloud from multiple books weekly, throughout the year, with the expectation that children can narrate or "tell back" what we read after each reading. This act of narration by the child is what allows the information to transfer into long term memory. When children use their own imagination & form their own thoughts and words in order to narrate a passage they are practicing using their own intellect to retell & that is what makes it stick! For younger kids, or students new to narration, oral narrations are expected after each reading. Oral narration is considered a valuable pre-composition skill as it helps children gather their thoughts which they will later learn to put down on paper. We will work as a class to write some of our narrations together each week so we are getting some practice composing our own written work, too. More advanced students may want to write their narrations and that will be encouraged!

We will perfect our powers of persuasion (& alliteration 😄) using the Institute for Excellence in Writing Structure & Style Program. This is such an easy way to help kids learn to write powerfully, and with precision!

“We spread an abundant and delicate feast 
in the programs and each small guest 
assimilates what he can.”
-Charlotte Mason

The Patriot Loop
Freedom & Economics
US History Read Along
Tall Tales
US Geography

50 States & Capitals is one of our many Enrichment Loops & will be taught using songs & accompanying Map Work, learning a handful of US states & capitals each week & building upon our memory skills until we learn all 50 states and capitals plus many of the prominent geographical features of the US like mountains, lakes, bays, and rivers etc!

Each student will need a printed copy of page 11 from this link, laminated & a few dry or wet erase markers for tracing & labeling maps each week! I use this map in class. It is super durable & a great investment for heavy use! 


Economics and Freedom is an important part of our Patriot Loop curriculum and will be taught using the Tuttle Twins Books as we read aloud, narrate & discuss the topics of economics and freedom which affect all of us everyday! These books bring complex concepts written about my free-market economists down to a child's level in a brilliant and engaging way! We will read the books over the 30 week course and watch some short, kid-friendly documentaries about the people & the concepts addressed in the books as we work together "game style" on some of the activity pages that come with the books. 

Please order your student the full boxed set of Books so they will have access to the books and the .pdf Printables we will use in class.

Cambridge Latin Course is offered for grades 5+ with the option for 5th graders to stay for Latin class if they desire! We gently introduce our young scholars to the magnificent Roman Empire. This living book series follows a Pompeiian family through the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD and teaches the children not only Latin grammar and vocabulary but also the geography, culture and life that was Rome! So many parts of our modern republic, culture and society have their roots in Rome like democracy, weights and measures and the court of law! I have taught this program more than 10 years and it has become my passion! The .pdf is a free download online so no extra curriculum will be required for Latin. Students will need a set of 3x5 index cards and an index card box.

If that seems like a lot, it's because IT IS!! By the end of the year your child will have grown by leaps and bounds both physically and intellectually but also in habit and grace! Our goal at Schooled Classically Academy is to educate the child as holistically as possible - mind, body & spirit!

6 Weeks at a Glance Sample 
& Quick Start Guide
(Click to enlarge)

Free Curated Primary Booklist
(Click to enlarge)


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