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High School Booklist & Courses

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Scroll to the bottom for the Free 4 Year High School Book List & Primary Source Documents.
(Click to enlarge image)

Each High School Academy student will receive a customized 36 week schedule – and an easy to implement weekly reading plan. College prep level live, online, interactive classes are also offered each week for Writing, Rhetoric, Literary Analysis and Latin, as well as geography Mapwork to accompany their History Reading.

(Click to enlarge image)

The rest of the student work, including independent daily reading & daily narration is self paced, according to the schedule provided & work samples will be shared in class during our Rhetoric class. The Academy option also gives your students access to The Riches, Language Arts and Loop Enrichment Courses each morning!

The Riches, Language Arts & Loop courses are optional for High School students but they are welcome to attend these classes with the Full Academy Option. They are excellent for remedial courses or for students with special needs.

A “12 Week Term at a Glance” High School Schedule:
(Click to enlarge image)

A sample Weekly Independent Reading Schedule
(Click to enlarge image)

Weekly schedules may be adapted for 4 or 5 school days each week.

We have 4 FREE principal curated book lists to choose from. Each book list includes: 

Bible, Science, History, Biography, Literature, Geography, Logic, & Civics

The 4 lists below are sufficient for ANY high school year for grades 9-12. 

A very motivated 7th or 8th grader with plans to CLEP for college credit in the upper High School years could start with the Cycle 1 booklist.

These books are meant to be read a little at a time and over a long period of time. This is intentional.

“Slow Reading” or reading a book at a slow & guided pace, over an extended period of time, gives the student time to assimilate ideas and make connections organically, creating the holistic mind, body, spirit education we want for them!

Charlotte Mason once wrote: 

“It is a sad fact that we are losing our joy in literary form. We are in such haste to be instructed by facts or titillated by theories, that we have no leisure to linger over the mere putting of a thought.” (Vol. 2, p. 263)

Kids also tend to fuss less over 3-6 pages per reading, versus a textbook with ten to fifteen pages of ‘facts’ they need to read and memorize. At the end of the school year students will have read and narrated 25-30 living books and 6 partial books. 

The High School Book & Materials List below is FREE!
(We appreciate you using the affiliate links provided to order your books)

If the list looks wonky on your phone turn your phone sideways :)

Cycle 1 

Ancients & Health/Anatomy

Cycle 2 

Medieval & Physical Science

Cycle 3

Renaissance & Biology

Cycle 4

Modern & Chemistry






The Big Picture Bible Study 

The Holy War (A means Audio Option is Available)

How To Be Your Own Selfish Pig

Mere Christianity

The Big Picture Bible Study 

The Holy War (A)

More than a Carpenter

The Case for Christ

The Big Picture Bible Study  

The Holy War (A)

The Universe Next Door

With the Word Came Power

The Big Picture Bible Study  

The Holy War (A)

The God Who is There

God’s Smuggler








The Way We Work

Galen & the Gateway to Medicine

Anatomy Color By Number

Amoeba Sisters (Videos)

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made 

Discovery of the Circulation of the Blood (printable)

Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story

Secrets Of the Universe Set:

Liquids & Gases

Matter & Energy

Objects in Motion

Relativity & Quantum


Search for Planet X

Signs & Seasons 

Sloane Weather Book

Archimedes and the door of Science

A Briefer History of Time

The Planets

Learn the Sky Videos

Men, Microscopes & Living Things

Adventures with a Microscope

Amoeba Sisters (Videos)

Biology Coloring book 

Seven Days that Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science

First Studies of Plant Life


Prepared Slides (& blank)

Oven Bake Clay

Mystery of the Periodic Table

Napoleon’s Buttons

The Elements: A Visual Guide


Chemical History of a Candle with Videos & Study Guide 

Periodic Table

Chemistry Quick Study

Equations Wall Chart

Modular Chemistry Kit

Choice of College Chemistry Course 






Fallacy Detective

Tuttle Twins Guidebook:

& Beware Your Bias

Tuttle Twins Guidebook:

Logical Fallacies 

& True Conspiracies

Thinking Toolbox

Tuttle Twins Guidebooks:

Courageous Heroes

Tuttle Twins Guidebooks: 

Modern Villains

Love is a Fallacy








Tuttle Twins 12 book Freedom & Economics set  

Tuttle Twins Guidebook:

Inspiring Entrepreneurs


Whatever Happened to Justice?

Tuttle Twins 12 book Freedom & Economics set  


Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?

Tuttle Twins 12 book Freedom & Economics set  


The Law

Bacon’s Essays 










SOTW Volume 1 - Ancients

Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World

The Story of America

SOTW Volume 2 - Medieval

Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World

The Story of America

SOTW Vol 3 - Renaissance 

Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World

The Story of America

SOTW Vol 4 - Modern 

Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World

The Story of America












Animal Farm

Of Mice & Men

The Hobbit 

English Literature for 

Boys & Girls


(quotes) mm

John Milton (1608-1674)


The Tempest

The Last of the Mohicans 

The Scarlet Letter

English Literature for 

Boys & Girls

Short Story

The Overcoat


Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784)



Henry V

Lord of the Flies

Young Goodman Brown

English Literature for 

Boys & Girls

Short Story

My Kinsman, Major Molineux


Emily Dickenson (Intro Video, Nature Poems, Pt II)


Midsummers Night Dream

Why We Can't Wait



Diary of Anne Frank

The Hiding Place

Operation Paperclip

English Literature for 

Boys & Girls


Romeo & Juliet




Joan of Arc (Audio)

Helen Keller

Joan of Arc (Audio)

Johannes Kepler: Giant of Faith & Science

Ordinary Genius: The Story of Albert Einstein

Joan of Arc (Audio)

Autobiography of 

Ben Franklin

Joan of Arc (Audio)

For the Love of Physics




Marvels of The Orient




Each History Cycle coordinates with a list of Biographies, Literature, and Geography, plus a list of Primary Source Documents including diaries, letters, essays and speeches, plus complimentary Map Work and the keeping of a Timeline Book, or Book of Centuries. My suggestion is to keep everything in that history module (all of the orange Disciplines & the Primary Source Documents for that cycle) together. Everything else can be substituted to create a custom reading plan that suits the needs of your student. The least complicated option is to just start with a Cycle 1 and go with it!

You will see The Big Picture Bible study, The Holy War, Ourselves, Joan of Arc, English Literature for Girls and Boys, & The Story of America on all 4 book lists. These are all very long books and will be spread out over the course of all 4 years in the rotation & may be started at the beginning for high schoolers new to the program, in any year. 

Primary Source Documents, Essays, Diaries & Letters by Cycle

Cycle 1 

Cycle 2 

Cycle 3  

Cycle 4 

Luther, Diet of Worms

Queen Elizabeth Tilbury Speech

Everyman, a play (audio)

Pepys Diary

Dr. John Donne

Battle of the Books 

Letters to His Son

 Declaration of Rights

The Declaration of Independence

The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence

Articles of Confederation 

Articles of Capitulation, Yorktown

Treaty with Great Britain

I, Pencil 

Constitution of the United States 

(current copy here

The Federalist Papers: No. 10, No. 39, No. 51, No. 68 

"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!" Patrick Henry's famous speech

Edmund Burke's Plea for Conciliation with the American Colonies, March 22,1775

Jonathan Edwards' "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Sermon

Free Grace: John Wesley Denounces the Doctrine of Predestination

Washington's First Inaugural Address

Treaty with the Six Nations 

Washington's Farewell Address also here

Irish Views of the Potato Famine

Treaty with France (Louisiana Purchase)

Treaty with Great Britain (End of War of 1812)

Miracle at Philadelphia 

The Invasion of Canada

Salem Witch Trial Transcript

Speeches by William Wilberforce and William Pitt concerning the slave trade. Word/.odt document

Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation

Arguing About Slavery, The Great Battle in the United States Congress

The Holy Alliance Treaty September 26, 1815 or here

The Catholic Emancipation Act article and actual act 

Peel's resignation speech 

Prince Albert's Exhibition

Giuseppe Garibaldi's speech to his soldiers

Parliamentary testimony from Accounts of English Mill workers 

Killer Angels

Missouri Compromise, 1820; scan of the actual document and a transcription

The 1850 compromise 

Dred Scott Decision

Confederate Constitution

Causes for Secession

Ordinances of secession

Lincoln's goals for the war, as stated in a letter to Horace Greeley

Emancipation Proclamation

Lincoln-Douglas debates

Diary of A Tar Heel Confederate Soldier 

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West by Dee Alexander Brown

Gladstone's speech to his constituents on the accomplishments of the administration 

Disraeli's speech on the Reform Bill

Andrew Johnson's Proclamation of Amnesty for South

Report of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction, 1866

The Berlin Conference of 1885 to Divide Africa 

British Missionary Letters urging annexation of South Sea Islands

Open letter to the Belgian King from an American

HOW will they ever read this much?!! 

I know it looks like a lot, but students typically do one or two short readings per week from about 15 different books. That's only 3-4 readings per day and some books don't begin until the second or third term! Some are also pamphlet sized books & many of the primary source documents are simply short letters or diary entries. The general rule of thumb is that we have around 15 books going at once and that 3-4 short readings a day has been a sweet spot for most teens. Also? My experience has been that even reluctant readers enjoy living books & the more kids read, the more kids want to read!

Parents are also encouraged to continue reading aloud with your child, too! Especially the Bible and worldview spiritual development books, but ANY of these books make amazing read aloud material to share with your child. If you wanted to work through ONLY the list above that would be perfectly fine. If you have an advanced student I highly suggest including the primary source documents, but they are not a requirement of the course, they are for enrichment purposes only. I suggest sprinkling them in sparingly throughout the 36 week course for most students, or let students pick the primary source documents that interest them.

A wide and varied curriculum creates a generous feast that students quickly learn to crave and enjoy!

“...the unspoken demand of children is for a wide and very varied curriculum; it is necessary that they should have some knowledge of the wide range of interests proper to them as human beings, and for no reasons of convenience or time limitations may we curtail their proper curriculum.” (Vol. 6, p. 14)


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